However, all the hopes were gone after Duterte's chief-of-staff Christopher Lawrence "Bong" Go on Thursday, October 15, filed his certificate of candidacy for Davao mayor in Davao City. Duterte is not running for president.
After all the speculations that scattered throughout the media and social networking, Duterte's filing of COC for mayor gave rise to the term DuterteZoned which means paasa (someone who gives false hopes) in Filipino.
Here are some of the netizens post who were DuterteZoned:
1. A few minutes after the closing of filing of COC, SunStar Davao FB page announced the absence of both Duterte father and daughter in their expected posts.
2. A satirical way to express rejection.
3. This netizen even used the country being DuterteZoned, which is really close to reality.
4. Another summarizes all that happened pretty well though.
5. DuterteZoned is now being associated with #whogoat lines.
6. One user was glad he didn't shave his head after being DuterteZoned referring to #TakboParaSaPagbabago propaganda
7. This netizen bids for Sen. Mirriam Defensor Santiago as president after he was DuterteZoned
8. Duterte Serye part 2 is beginning as some netizens specualate 'again'
10. This one funnily asks Adam Levine if he was also DuterteZoned.